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Litigation & Investigations

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Our experience includes acting for/advising:

  • Ballantyne Re plc on an Irish law scheme of arrangement to restructure US$1.6bn of New York law governed notes.
  • Davy, Ireland’s largest stockbroking firm, on a number of actions by various Credit Unions, and individual investors, relating to the recommendation and sale of perpetual bonds and other investment products.
  • ‘Monaghan Mushrooms’ Danbywiske and the Wilson Limited Partnership 1 in an action taken by our clients to enforce an option granted to them by the Defendant to purchase 5% of the Defendant’s shareholding in the business.
  • Hammerson Plc in its successful “Moore Street Battlefield Site” appeal overturning a High Court judgment ruling a significant portion of its land was a National Monument.
  • Asics UK Limited in a case before the High Court Competition list in which Heatons Limited (an Irish department store with 42 outlets) was alleging that Asics, the famous sport footwear company had a dominant position in the relevant market and, by refusing to supply Heatons, was significantly adversely affecting the business of Heatons and was in breach of Competition law.
  • ICDL GCC Foundation and ICDL Saudi Arabia in Commercial Court proceedings taken against the European Computer Driving Licence Foundation for breach of contract arising from its unlawful termination of our clients’ licence agreement.
  • Medical Protection Society in continuing advices in both the defence of medical negligence actions and in regulatory matters.
  • Jacobs Fruitfield Foods in proceedings concerning the protection of its Trade Marks and the goodwill attaching to its brand.
  • Nortel Networks Ireland Limited in acting for the joint administrators for major restructuring of this Group on a global scale.
  • in the defence of judicial review proceedings against the RCSI following its decision not to accredit a live plastic surgery event being arranged by RAS Medical Limited
  • Defending Horizon and other Defendants in Rory McIlroy’s Commercial Court claim seeking to set aside his agency/representation agreement.  Horizon and the other Defendants counterclaimed for millions of euro in unpaid commission entitlements on foot of sponsorship agreements obtained for Rory McIlroy including his US$100 million dollar sponsorship agreement with Nike.

Our key practice areas are:-

  • Administrative & Public Law
  • Corporate Disputes
  • Defamation & Privacy
  • Financial Services
  • Intellectual Property
  • Insolvency & Corporate Recovery
  • Insurance
  • Commercial Property
  • Projects & Construction
  • Healthcare
  • Product Regulation & Liability