Laura Murdock


Laura is a Partner in our Litigation & Investigations department and has extensive experience in complex multi-jurisdictional disputes.

Laura Murdock

Laura represents both domestic and international clients in matters including financial crime, shareholder disputes, fraud, conspiracy and asset recovery. Laura has also acted for clients before tribunals and commissions of inquiry. Recent work includes lead advisor in litigation arising out of sanctions including bringing applications to both OFAC and the CBI for derogations from sanctions. Laura also has represented regulators in defending judicial review proceedings, statutory appeals and enforcement matters. Laura is an expert on lobbying and advising clients on reporting obligations arising from lobbying.

Laura is a member of the Womens White Collar Defense Association Irish Chapter and regularly presents on litigation matters.

Recent significant work includes advising:

  • Havila Kystruten, a Norwegian Cruise Ship Company in sanctions related proceedings seeking enforcement and recognition of Orders of the High Court of England & Wales to release security held by a sanctioned entity in two cruise vessels and making a successful application to the CBI for a licence to release the security.
  • Swan Hellenic Cruises Limited, Pola Logistics Limited, Avonburg Finance Limited in sanctions related proceedings seeking orders for specific performance. These were complex, multi-jurisdictional disputes pertaining to assets affected by Russian sanctions implemented in the EU and US. This matter also involved engagement with the CBI and OFAC in the US
  • Various defendants in proceedings alleging fraud and conspiracy which included a challenge to the jurisdiction of the Irish Courts, defending anti-suit and anti-enforcement injunctions and allegations of contempt.
  • BMO REP Asset Management Plc. in High Court proceedings seeking recovery of €5m in overdue performance fees.
  • the board and key stakeholders of an Irish Financial Institution in ongoing litigation for breach of contract, including advising on reputational and risk issues.
  • Kilsaran Concrete in competition proceedings alleging below cost selling in the concrete market.
  • Commission for Communications Regulation (“ComReg”) in defence of statutory appeal brought by Sky Ireland concerning broadband.
  • the Department of Finance and former employees in its engagement with the IBRC Commission of Investigation including preparing witnesses to give evidence, managing discovery requests and privilege queries

Ranking & Recommendations

Article and Insights
Jun 2024
New administrative sanctions come into force concluding the amendments to the Lobb...
Laura Murdock
Article and Insights
Jun 2024
The Revenue Rule was successfully invoked when a liquidator sought to indirectly e...
Laura Murdock
Article and Insights
May 2024
Interests of justice dictate that further evidence should be adduced in respect of...
Garrett Breen
Article and Insights
Apr 2024
Following a guilty plea to insider dealing, the Irish court imposed an 18-month su...
Paul Convery
Paul Convery
Article and Insights
Mar 2024
Assignee of a company's interest in litigation may, in principle, be substituted a...
Laura Murdock
Article and Insights
Nov 2023
A commencement order commencing the provisions of the Regulation of Lobbying and O...
Laura Murdock
Article and Insights
Nov 2023
A person has been convicted of insider dealing for the first time in the history o...
Paul Convery
Paul Convery
Article and Insights
Jul 2023
The European Union updated its sanctions against Russia following the invasion of ...
Laura Murdock
Article and Insights
Jun 2023
The introduction of a proposed "failure to prevent fraud" offence in the UK will h...
Deirdre O'Donovan NB
Deirdre O’Donovan
Article and Insights
Apr 2023
The Regulation of Lobbying (Amendment) Bill 2022 has passed through all stages of ...
Laura Murdock