Home Knowledge Food, Beverage & Agribusiness: Legislation Programme Spring/Summer 2017

Food, Beverage & Agribusiness: Legislation Programme Spring/Summer 2017

Proposed Bill



Sale of Alcohol Bill

To codify the law relating to the sale and consumption of alcohol.

Heads of bill approved April 2012, work is underway

Public Health (Alcohol) Bill 2015

To provide for minimum unit pricing for retailing of alcohol products; to regulate the advertising and sponsorship of alcohol; to provide for a structural separation of alcohol from other products in mixed trading outlets; to provide for health labelling of alcohol products; and to regulate the sale and supply of alcohol in certain circumstances.

Committee Stage (Seanad)

Health & Wellbeing (Calorie Posting and Workplace Wellbeing) Bill

To require food premises to display calories on menus and to require all public sector employers to have and to report on a Health and Wellbeing policy.

Heads of bill are currently being drafted